Free Wi-Fi Minsk –

public Wi-Fi network

159 hotspots all around the Minsk. Available at 22 metro stations. Easy registration. Stay connected in any situation! 


Easy registration

You need to enter your telephone number only once. Next time you'll connect to Wi-Fi automatically

159 hotspots

Connect to Free Wi-Fi Minsk at metro stations, central bus station, in cafes, shopping malls, banks and petrol stations

No limits

Enjoy Free Wi-Fi without
time and speed

Stay connected in 4 steps

Step 1

 Turn Wi-Fi on, find Free Wi-Fi Minsk network and connect to it

Step 2

In the registration window please enter your name and mobile number

Step 3

Accept the Terms of Use and click “Register”

Step 4

Enter the code from SMS and click “Confirm”. Well done!


Why do I have to register via mobile phone number?

This is the requirement of Presidential Decree No. 60 dated 01.02.2010 “About certain measures to improve the usage of the national Internet segment”

I'm a tourist. Can I connect to Free Wi-Fi Minsk?

Sure, you can. All you need is to turn roaming on to receive an SMS.

Why do you show me advertising?

By registering in the Free Wi-Fi network you agree to receive advertising materials from the Operator. Ads help us to make our Wi-Fi free and widely available.

Contact us

We are here

Minsk, K. Tsetkin street 51, 6 floor

Support 24/7

Write us


I've read Personal data processing policy and accept it.
I agree that "Деловая сеть" could use my personal data to answer the request